INSTRUCTIONS: Xerch Perch Parrot Playstand Tray Assembly

Congratulations on owning your new Xerch Perch! To get the most enjoyment out of your Xerch Perch, please contact us as soon as you have a question or comment. We would love to see pictures of your Xerch Perch, take pictures and videos while assembling it, introducing your parrot to it, and customizing it for your parrot.
Call/Text: 929-2SQUAWK or E-mail:
Tora, The Parrot Mom
- Tray Panels
- 2 Shorter (A and D)
- 2 Longer (B and C)
- Tray Base
- 3 Tray Base (1, 2, 3), Newer Trays may have more base boards.
- Other
- 1 Tray Base Support (Smaller than Tray Base), Newer Trays may not have a Tray Base Support.
- 12 Screws
- Not Included
- Philips Screw Driver (DO NOT USE A DRILL)
- A friend to help (optional)

Tip for timid parrots:
Let your parrot watch you as you assemble their new Xerch Perch. When they see how it’s built and watch you interact with it, they will be more trusting of their new Xerch Perch.
Step 1. Lay Tray Panel A on the floor in front of you.
The groove should be facing the ceiling.
The Circle should be on the Right and the Diamond on the Left.
Step 2. Fit Tray Base 1 in the groove of Tray Panel A.
Step 3. Place Tray Panel B on the left.
Match the Diamonds.
Step 4. Screw Stainless Steel Screws in Tray Panel B to Tray Panel A.
Gently screw 1 Stainless Steel Screw into each of the holes.
Step 5. Place Tray Panel C on the right.
Match the Circles.
Step 6. Screw Stainless Steel Screws in Tray Panel C to Tray Panel A.
Gently screw 1 Stainless Steel Screw into each of the holes.
Tip: If you don’t have a helper, use a wall, stool or something to support Tray Panel A.
Step 7. Fit Tray Base 2 in the grooves of Tray Panel B and C.
Step 8. Fit Tray Base 3 in the groove of Tray Panel B and C.
Step 9. Place Tray Panel D on top. Continue to add base pieces in alphabetical order.
Step 10. Screw Stainless Steel Screws in Tray Panel B to Tray Panel D.
Gently screw 1 Stainless Steel Screw into each of the holes.
Step 11. Screw Stainless Steel Screws in Tray Panel C to Tray Panel D.
Gently screw 1 Stainless Steel Screw into each of the holes.
Step 12. Lie the tray on the floor with the markings up toward the ceiling.
NOTE: Some newer trays may not require a support board. If your tray does not have the outline and does not have the support, skip Step 13 & 14.
Step 13. Place the Tray Base Support in the outlined area on the three Tray Bases so that the arrows point to each other.
Step 14. Use the Stainless Steel Screws to anchor the Tray Base Support to the Tray Bases.
Tip: Turn the screw so it barely peaks out the other side, and then look closely to match it to the hole. Gently turn a few more times so it connects the Tray Base Support but is not fully tightened. Do this to each of the corners, then tighten them.